An accurate diagnosis of hearing loss plays a key role in fitting the most appropriate hearing aid to ensure maximum comfort to the hearing aid user. A diagnostic test is a clinically standardized procedure recommended by doctors and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists for determining the hearing loss. A full diagnostic test tells us whether a hearing loss is permanent or temporary, and provides information as to where the loss is located (e.g. In the inner ear, the ear canal or the middle ear).
A full test will include an assessment of eardrum movement and also of hearing for speech. A full diagnostic test is the only way to accurately assess whether hearing aids are the best choice for a patient or whether their hearing loss can be treated medically.
We offer the following comprehensive range of testing facilities:

Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is the key hearing test used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual, enabling determination of the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss.
We do Air Conduction and Bone Conduction pure tone tests.

We at Pure Hearing Solutions offer hearing aid fitting and personalization services for most global leading hearing aid companies.
Digital Hearing Aids have the ability to be programmed and personalized exactly as per the individual's requirement and hearing loss determined by audiological testing.

Speech Therapy has been seen to have profound benefits if administered at an early age.
We at Pure Hearing Solutions follow a very caring and holistic approach to help individuals with speech disorders which may be diversified into Articulation Disorders, Fluency Disorders, Resonance or Voice Disorders, Dysphagia/Oral Feeding Disorders

BERA is a otoneurological test that examines the inner ear, brain function in response to the sound stimulus. Only the testing and interpretation of the results is performed by the doctor of an audiology. The brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA/ABR) is an objective neurophysiological diagnostic method for evaluation of the hearing threshold estimation and diagnosing retro cochlear lesions (auditory nerves).

OAE test measures hair cell function in the inner ear ( Cochlea). An emission refers to the sound generated within the normal cochlea of the ear in response to stimulation.These sounds can be used to test the function of the cochlea and other parts of the ear, including the auditory nerve. This hearing test is usually performed on newborn babies and special children to detect deafness. It can also be used on adults to test for hearing loss and detect other hearing disorders such as central auditory processing disorders (CAPD) or auditory neuropathy (AN).
Other services provided at Pure Hearing Solutions include:
- Fine tuning of hearing instruments
- After-sales service and repair
- Mould and shell production (ear pieces made to comfortably fit the individual's ear)
- Home visits for elderly / senior citizens